So, Big news with transfers!!
My time is Stockholm is done (or at least on pause) and I'm going somewhere magical and extremely cold.. Umeå!! I have the opportunity to go all the way up to the top of Sweden and serve with my new companion Elder Jensen as a Zone Leader over the Norrland Zone. I'm so excited for all the good stuff I am about to learn from my new companion and the Zone. I'm also excited to experience a real Swedish winter!! It is about to get cold, *says the guy from California* but seriously though, we have to cross country ski around. No, just kidding but that would be sweet. :) We actually have a car, fortunately, AND I have the option of taking a plane or a 6 hour direct train up there. I'm choosing to take the train because there are some baggage issues I don't want to go through. I'm leaving tomorrow at noon (Wed, Sept 27) from Stockholm T central for the long journey that awaits, but I am excited for this opportunity!
Viktor, probably the only guy I have
met in Sweden who appreciates
cycling as much as me. |
Elder Hatch and I have had a good last week together. Some cool things that happened this week was that we had a Zone conference! It was about "Testimony." President and Sister Beckstrand taught a good training along with the Assistants. They actually gave notes to each missionary that were written by our parents with a picture. The letters were their testimony of the gospel and how happy they are for us that we are on our missions. Thanks mom! I thought that was awesome. I also sang a song during the conference there with the three other missionaries I usually sing with. It was a cool arrangement of "Brightly Beams our Fathers Mercy."
Elder Harrison! long time no see! |
ELder Jämsä!!! My old
companion from Gotland : |
We also had something really cool happen. If you remember that guy Elder Hatch and I met in the Pizza place.. I talked about it in last weeks email. One of them came with us to the YSA center in Stockholm, for Family Home Evening on Monday night and he loved it. He went around and met and became friends with everyone! We then committed him to read the Book of Mormon. We went back to his restaurant to say hi to him and he said he has been reading, and then he gave us two free big pizzas! So we ate them and they were so good. We are going back with him tonight to FHE. Today for our Prep day we are going to chill in Stockholm for the last time before I take off. 
Our last district meeting and "funeral" for
Elder Bradshaw who is our assisant going home! |
Remember, I know this church is true! I'm so pumped with the time I have left to go hard and find those people that are ready to hear this message.
Love you all and have good week!
Äldste Blackburn
Having fun with the new iphone update |
My Chileen family here in Jakobsberg <3 |
This guy is a stud. Lars! |
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