"Kärlek" means Love. I think this is Pintrist worthy. |
Hallå där!
Transfers this week went well. Elder Dean and I worked hard the last few days together and then we went to T Central to say bye to each other. He’s a good guy and I’ll miss him! I also got a new companion, Elder Hatch and he is a cool guy! Really funny and a good artist. He’s from Colorado, but has lived in many places because his dad is in the military. We get along really well so that is good. :) We had a great first week together, and helped him learn the area (places and people) by just diving right in! He has been out for about 11 months, so he is a more experienced missionary. We both can really learn from each other and we are excited to see the good stuff that will be coming this transfer!
Goodbye Elder Dean!
You'll be missed! |
This week was full of traveling to different investigators homes and people we teach. Our area is a bit tougher than others in the sense that everything is so spread out and it takes time to get places. The great part about that is that it leaves some time to talk to people on trains and buses! Something funny that happened two days ago, is that we left the church from a lesson to go home for dinner. Home is about a 45 minute train and bus ride from the church so Elder Hatch had the phone that day and found the travel plans on google maps. We walked to the station and got on the train.. and we were on the train which seemed to be a while... It stopped at the end station and it wasn't where we were supposed to get off. We actually took the wrong train and went the complete opposite way of home and made it about an hour and 40 minute ride home! hahaha Fun times.. But the good thing is, we will never do that again!
At the YSA center one last time with
some new members and Elder Dean! |
My new comp! |
The District on our way to lunch in the
rain, minus the Assistents because
they are driving there car. |
Other than that it was the usual things. We had our first district meeting of the transfer and it went really well. I got to know the new members of the district, and they are all very pumped for these next 6 weeks! We have some good goals together as a district as well. One of those is being focusing on setting spiritual goals.I love that idea because that is where the power, authority, and love people feel when they talk with us. I personally have been continuing with "consecrating" my self to be a better missionary (a Zone conference challenge) and to feel the spirit more. I talked about it before, but it’s thinking and praying about those things that you do (or maybe are not doing) that might hinder the spirit in your life. Then make the changes necessary… wether its to stop doing or thinking about something, or doing more of something... I can say I have felt the spirit even stronger this week to guide me as I have born testimony to people on the street, as well as sitting down for lessons with people... And I know its because it’s something that I want AND I’m actually doing something to receive it…
This Aston Martin is always
parked out side our place! |
Love you all and have a good week!
Äldste Blackburn
Nickolas! One of the coolest members that exists. |
From the soccer game last week. |
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