Sååååå transfers!

So, i will just start off with the news.. It’s now time to take the boat back to civilization to the mainland of Sweden. I am being transferred (moved) to a city in Stockholm called, Jakobsberg. It is back in the Stockholm zone and is going to be fun and WAY different than Gotland. I’m really excited, and leave this Wednesday. I also have the opportunity to be the District leader which should be really fun! The new district where I will be actually includes the mission office, so I’ll be able to go on splits and work with the Assistants and the office elders which are all awesome guys. I’m super pumped! My new companion is a guy named Äldste Dean. "The lean mean fighting machine!” ~ That's going to be his new nickname and I haven’t even met him yet :) and he is a really good violinist, so it should be fun. As my replacement, Äldste Scott will be getting Äldste Svensson, a native Swede, born and raised in Sweden and is actually the only Swedish Elder serving here right now. I just want to say good luck to Äldste Scott ~ He will only be speaking Swedish for about 6 weeks! haha
The ultimate push up challenge |

We also had the Zone leaders come here to Gotland last Monday. We picked them up from the Boat station and had an awesome P day. (Äldste Johanson and Burke). It was fun because Äldste Burke was companions with the guy I trained, Äldste Bentson. We had some fun stories about him. We tried to give them the ultimate Gotland experience for about 3 hours before we had to work again at 6:00pm, so we went and explored.Found some good rocks and cliffs and played like children for a while. We had some good fun!
The circus! |

The week went on and we worked pretty dang hard. We had some awesome lessons, new investigators, and some people that are really looking positive. We actually had the opportunity to go to a traveling Circus here in Visby with a member as well. It was CRAZY! Was so cool and there were some insane acts. For those of you familiar with circuses, there is the “Circus Master” or "Circus Director”… (the guy in charge). During the 20 minute intermission we went out of the tent to walk around and the Director was standing there and we just started talking to him. He is a cool guy, about in his mid 20s and was really interested in what we did. We talked to him for the whole intermission and he was so impressed with missionaries from our church. He wanted to stay in contact so he gave us his number and we invited him to church the next day. They have shows all weekend with practices and such, but he was saying he wants to attend and will try next week. SO that was fun. We were thinking how crazy it would be if we had the whole circus on Gotland come to our little meeting house on Sunday for church haha!
This is Kajsa (a girl we teach) and she is an awesome
Painter. She painted this beauty on my guitar! |
Moses and Judith! I will miss those two as well! |
Äldste Johanson! |
We are also working with a guy who is awesome and has a really strong faith. We taught him a few times this last week, and after the first time we taught him he called us the next day at 7:00AM. He told us that he did what we asked him to do and prayed about what we taught him, asking God if it was true. He went on to tell us of an amazing spiritual experience he had and that the feeling was so strong he began to cry and he wanted to meet again soon.We met him the next day and taught him more and talked about what happens when you get an answer and what we need to do to take action. We taught him about baptism and how important it really is, and he committed to be baptized on August 27th. We have had a several others this week that are really looking positive as well. It’s such a blessing to see the change this Gospel makes in peoples lives. The other girl I was talking about last week who is working towards baptism is still going strong as well.We met with her yesterday and the lesson went really well. It’s just hard to say goodbye to everyone, but it’s part of the mission!
I will always remember my time here on Gotland and it will always have a special place in my heart as weird as that may sound. But it’s true. :) Äldste Scott is going to kill it for the rest of his mission! I’m grateful that I had the opportunity to serve with and see miracles happen with him. Next time you hear from me I will be back in Stockholm!
Hej så länge!
Äldste Blackburn
Christofer and Felicia! :) two people we
teach. They are awesome as well. |
Stopped to get some ice creme after picking the Zone leaders up for splits! |
Evaaaaa!! :) She is prepairing to go to the temple this next month! On our way out to to take her home. |
Playing our investigators recorders.
(at least pretending like we are) |
Saying goodbye to the Herreys! They have been
so awesome to us missionaries and feed us every week. I will always remember these two. |
Äldste Burke impressed me with his
golfing skills by hitting a ball off
the cliff way out into the ocean. |
Äldste Burke!! |
Having some play time together |
Selfie of a selfie |
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