District meeting in Jönköping and it is just pouring rain. Is there really a need for this when its raining? haha |
Well this week was full of finding cool people and working hard!
A funny thing that happened was that I was on splits (splits is when you go with another companion in a different city than your assigned one) in Skövda last Thursday to Friday and we spent all day contacting and tracting. Later that day we got a call from a number and he said he needed us to come to the church and talk to to him because he's struggling with some things. So we hurried over there, and as soon as we went inside he was talking to us and was depressed about a lot of things. He said he has heart problems, has been gay his whole life and a bunch of other things and how his life is ruined. He said he had joined the church at 18 years old and that he hasn’t been to church in years. So we talked, and listened were sincere and trying to let the spirit guide, but something didn’t feel right. Before we left, we left him with a blessing and it was fairly short. He then invited us over that evening with some friends to talk, and we said that’s possible. We got his number and left.
Soaking wet in Jönköping with the Skövda Elders |
We felt really strange and called some past missionaries that had served in that area and they all said the same thing. STAY AWAY and that he will invite you to his apartment and try to seduce you, and has inappropriate stuff all around the house and invites girls to try to seduce you as well. I guess he’s been doing this for like 15 years and he does this with all the missionaries. I find it so funny but annoying at the same time, because we have work to do and we were talking to him for 2 hours trying to honestly help him. It's a funny experience that I will always look back on and laugh about. :D
Shopping for winter jackets :D (This one is just ridiculous) |
On a more Spiritual note…. We have three new investigators this week! :D ….and get this... two of them are American! haha AND one of the names is Cody! Cody is from San Diego and has lived here for years and has 3 kids here in Sweden. He’s awesome and we’re starting to teach him. We met him on the bus a few weeks ago. The other American is Joe, (from Florida) and he has this super awesome Southern accent. We have actually met him before. He likes to drive the missionaries around because they helped their family move in long time ago. So one day we were walking down the street, and he saw us while driving and he slammed on his breaks in traffic and said, “Are you guys Mormon missionaries?!" We said yes and he asked us if he could talk to us. So he reversed in traffic and pulled off the side of the road and asked us if he could come to church! haha We realized he had driven us once before and then he asked us where we were going. We said we had an appointment and he offered to drive us to our appointment and that was a blast. He was showing us his American driving skills. For example... He did a J-turn with us in the car which was awesome! That is when you reverse really fast, and you crank the wheel hard then put it into drive really fast then continue on in drive. So that was an adventure! He came to church yesterday which was awesome and we are meeting with him next week.
The other new investigator is Mikael. He is Swedish and he came up to us while we were studying in the library and asked us if we are Americans. He is a poet and asked us to proof read his poem for any errors and it was about happiness. ~ It was about how the things of this world are not real happiness and that it’s families and relationships that matter. We then brought up the gospel and shared a bit with him. He said he feels like something is missing (in his life). We then taught him about God’s plan (of happiness) for us and he was really receptive. We will meet with him next week as well.
The work is moving foward here in Borås! Love you all! and it’s good to hear from all of you! :)
Äldste Blackburn
They have the coolest old people here in Borås |
People say not to judge a book by its cover, but this one looks pretty crappy.. |
Look at this little guy! Yes, I did kiss it.. and no.. I didnt turn into a princess. |
Missing my swimming days more ever than before.. |
Another cool shot of Göteborg |
Typical day in Göteborg :) |
Found this cool bridge while tracting through the wilderness |
Planking the cool bridge we found while tracting through the wilderness |
"Theres only 8 weeks left to go Äldste Stoeltzing! dont jump!" |
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