All farm land on the Island... Just beautiful!! |
Man this week was an adventure but I am SO tired!
Preparing for the boat ride to Visingsö (it's an island) |
I had the opportunity to do the last split with Äldste Farnworth before he goes home this Wednsday. He’s a cool guy and it was really fun getting to know him. We have decided that we are going to start our own medical practice and be "Doctors Without Limits" in Africa when we finish school!
So I went up to Jönköping again (with Äldste Farnworth) and we had a baptism there and also were able to travel to a local island to visit a family. While I did this, my companion, Äldste Stoeltzing went up to Stockholm for a trainers conference so we are both pretty tired!
In addition to that, we had to do a quick emergency move for the sisters in Borås because there are some creeps in there apartment complex. So we are living there now (the Sisters are living in our old apartment complex across town) and it is a lot smaller, but as long as the sisters are safe, we are happy.
Teaching Mattias to tie a tie. |
On a sad note, transfers are here and we are losing Sister Giles! :( but we are getting a new sister here on Wednesday. She will be pretty cool too.
On a spiritual note, yesterday was amazing! Mattias came to church (the one with the baptismal date) and he said he was feeling down all week and just troubled. We gave him a blessing and I think it really helped him. After that in Sacrament meeting, Sister Giles and I sang “Be Still My Soul" and that song is really about relying on the Savior and remembering that your are not alone and to tell your self that you will be ok. Mattias really needed that.
Really miss swimming at this moment |
I am also practicing translating the language in Sacrament meeting and it is getting much better. I am starting to see more progression now. It's just hard sometimes to not get frustrated but I've come to realize that it just takes time and that's ok.
Love you all!
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