Elder Jensen and I had a good week. We didn’t have a Thanksgiving though (just because it is not a holiday here) but there is a member here who had a birthday so we went to their home for his birthday dinner. Elder Jensen and I were actually on splits most of the week. I stayed in Umeå and had Elder Jämsä came up from Örnsköldsvik so I was actually with him for Thanksgiving day.
The day Elder Jensen and I came back together (Friday) we split again with the other Umeå Elders so it was a long week! We did find some new cool people to teach that are progressing. One lady in particular that Elder Jensen and I tracted into earlier this week. We knocked on her door and she was a really nice lady with a kid. We talked to her for a bit at the door and gave her a Book of Mormon. We set up another time where we could come back, and it was for Friday. We went and taught her and it went really well! She is Swedish and has a strong belief in energy and that there is something bigger than us. We shared the message of the Restoration with her, and committed her to read and pray. She is moving to Gotland (the island I was on for 4 months) with her husband in January. Should be awesome. The missionaries there are studs right now. We will try to meet with her some more before she and her family move.
There are so many little miricals that happen everyday! It’s hard to remember them all but that’s why I have a journal right? I have made it a goal to write in my journal every night for these last 6 months. "The shortest pencil is longer than the longest memory."
My companion and I will only have one day in our area next week to work because we are visiting three other companionships and working with them. We will be heading down to Sundsvall from Tuesday to Thursday, then drive up to Skellefteå on Saturday and come back on Sunday. It should be fun to help out the branch up there. All the members in the Northern part of Sweden had a fast for their branch last month. (**A “fast” is when you do not eat food or drink anything for 24 hours combined with praying about something in particular) The fast was focused on strengthening the branch up there and not soon after, the missionaries called and said there is someone wanting to be baptized. No coincidences here!
There is a record in this mission right now for the most people wanting to get baptized who have dates set. Many have already been baptized and it is amazing to see and work with such hard working missionaries up here in Norrland.
The church is true! Love you all and hopefully I find some time to write next Monday. We will all be flying down to Stockholm on Monday for our Christmas Conference.
Hej så länge!
Äldste Blackburn