Hallå!! :)

This week was super busy but awesome! First off I’ll start out with a little story that will explain why all my hair is gone... So I was thinking after Thanksgiving that my hair was getting a little long and poofy/bushy, so I was in need of a hair cut. We got this clipper kit from the senior couple and decided we were going to cut my hair! I trusted my dear companion to have the honors of taking on such a task. He did an amazing job on the sides! Nice and short and the lines were looking good. We then realized that there is a "thinner" attachment (my hair gets super bushy and thick so i thought that was a good idea.) We decided that we should thin my hair and shortly into it, it caught a big chunk of hair and cut it off in the front of my head! Completely shaved down! hahaha We were dying laughing so hard! We then decided it would be the best idea to just shave it down all the way to make it look better and we did! It was a lot shorter than i thought.. haha! But it’s ok, it will grow back. Äldste Bailey wont stop calling me Caillou because I"m pretty much bald haha. SO THAT HAPPENED.
Other BIG NEWS! I got a call from my mission president on Sunday night. When he asked to talk to Äldste Blackburn my heart stopped… haha. I got on the phone and he told me that I will be training a new missionary this next transfer!! :) :) Super stoked!! I get to go down to Stockholm on Friday for a training for me, and then will pick up my "son" (new missionary) next Wednesday!!! I dont know what city I will be training yet, but where ever it will be I will for sure be in that area for 3 months. Super excited though! :) Feels like things are moving foward now as far as the mission goes! It will definatley be a learning experience for both me and my new greenie. My companion right now, Äldste Bailey will be training as well.
We did a lot this week! We had an amazing Thanksgiving dinner
Some companionship love going on here. |
Uppsala missionaries at the Koyles for dinner. |
at the Koyles house (a senior couple here) We also went to Stockholm for zone training which was cool, and then went again for another Thanksgiving dinner with the missionaries in the Stockholm zone! They actually ended up having missionaries coming from the zone below us too which was awesome to see some old friends! Visited Gamla Uppsala which was super old and pretty…. Like, Viking old! The hills there were Super big and actually burying grounds for old Viking kings and such. Pretty interesting!
Selfies with Äldste Walker! |
We got some good snow these past few days and hopefully it’s going to start snowing hard here pretty quick. It’s better because then it’s not all wet and gross anymore haha.
Äldste Bailey and I are working with the coolest people! Some GREAT meetings this week! First there is a girl whose name is Caronline. She is married and has a baby of 7 weeks old! She was contacted by Äldste Bailey and his other campanion he had last transfer and found his blog, and then commented on it saying how she has been trying to get a hold of him and couldn't. So we were then excited and we got in contact with her and set up a lesson. She came to church with her baby one day for a lesson and it was so spiritual! She is searching so hard which church is true and is trying to feel God more in her life but doesnt know how. She is the nicest girl and just had us over today as well. This time we went to her place and taught her for 2 hours!! We both felt like she needed more and that we weren’t ready to leave. Her baby was crying a lot too which made it difficult but it’s understandable! This is important because shortly before we ended, Äldste Bailey said a silent prayer asking that the baby could go to sleep so we could have a kneeling prayer. Right as we closed, the baby went to sleep and we were able to say a prayer. As soon as we left, she texted us that the baby woke up and started crying again! haha Crazy, but that was kind of cool. Another cool thing is that she is sincerely reading the Book of Mormon … Sends us questions and everything! She was saying how the Book of Mormon brings her peace and she really likes it as well as when she meets with us. Reading, praying and meeting with us is when she is really touched by the spirit and wants to continue feeling it. She just says its hard. Right now, we need to focus on teaching her and helping her make that connection between her and God stronger. She is probably the most prepared person I have seen. AND shes Swedish which is crazy!
Hello people of Uppsala, I have a gift for you for Christmas... Eternal Happiness and Joy. |
So pretty... Road leading to the Viking church. |
This is why were are here. To find the prepared, plant seeds in peoples hearts, and invite people to come to Christ. Another reason specifically for this mission, is for ourselves.... It’s easy to think in this specific mission, that just because you haven't had a single baptism during your whole mission that you were unsuccessful. But this mission is really for me as well….Bringing me closer to Christ. Having to rely on Him more than anything or anyone because there are days that not a single person will listen. It really helps me to know that I’m out sharing this message because of Him. And because of that, He is with me every day and that is what I’m striving to keep with me always. He lives.
Have a good week every one!
I loved my Thanksgiving :) |
On splits with Äldste walker in Gamla Uppsala |
I think we have found the only hills in our city and they are not even natural! They are actually graves of Vikings!
It's super cold! |
The Viking church looks good from all angles! |
This was a statue at one of the houses we were tracting. Pretty Epic! |
Äldste Bailey snagged this picture as we were teaching these girls about Mormons Bok on the street! |
Nu har jag hittat din blogg också ;) kul att läsa :)