We find random things around Borås. |
Last hike with Daniel (our preparing missionary) before I take off. |
Big news! Transfers are in and I had no idea what to expect. Typically the trainer gets transferred and the trainee would stay in the current city, but in this case, Äldste Stoeltzing is staying and I am getting transferred to a place called Uppsala. It’s right above Stockholm and is one of the biggest cities in Sweden. It’s is a college town and is one of the oldest towns in Scandinavia! My new companion is Äldste Johnson and I will meet him when I go up there this Wednesday! I talked to him on the phone and he sounds awesome and we are going to have a 4 man apartment! There are two sets of elders in Uppsala so we will all be living in this awesome apartment together :) There are also two sisters, which are both STLs (sister training leaders) and we have a senior couple as well. It is an old "zone leader" area and my new companion is a district leader so I’ll get to travel a lot again :) Super excited but sad at the same time. These last few days Äldste Stoeltzing and I are spending with different families from the ward (congregation) here in Borås and saying goodbye to all of them. I really love this city, Äldste Stoeltzing and the sisters here, but I’m really excited to see what experiences Uppsala will bring me.
Laser tag with our investigator and Elders Quorum was awesome! |
We have had some awesome experiences this last week! I went on splits with Äldste Payne again (greeny in Jönköping) and we had alot of fun. We ended up having an awesome lesson with a man about the Doctrine of Christ. The lesson went great. We asked him good questions and really got him thinking about his testimony of Christ. I then felt prompted to ask him about baptism and if he would like to follow Christ’s example and be baptized... He then responded with "jajamen." (sure!) We were both so happy that he would be willing to accept that invitation and to work towards thedate we set. It also made me realize that it is not your knowledge or how well you can speak the language that matters (because mine is still really broken up) but it’s the spirit and utilizing that spirit to teach... and I can promise that people feel that.
Another cool thing that happened, I dont know if I mentioned this last week but we found an awesome guy named Igor. Everything he believes is almost in accordance with the "Plan of Salvation" and he is so cool! Really open to everything. This last week we met him again in the same place, but he brought another friend who has similar beliefs. We had an amazing lesson with them and the only problem is that Igor moved to some place near Stockholm earlier this weekend. But guess what I found out?! I’m transferring up there!! haha That would be awesome if he is near us but if not we will refer him to another set of missionaries there. The cool thing about Igor is that he went to prison and totally changed his life around and he is really growing from his challenges. He is looking at those as a chance to change and grow.
My District, with my somehow relative, Elder Perkins! |
Something that I came across this last week that really can apply to anything is this: “Don’t look at it as an obligation, see it as an opportunity.”
Love you all and have a good week! Next time I write, I will be in Uppsala! <3
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