On our way to a lunch appointment and we saw this cool old Swedish church |
This week was great. It’s getting darker earlier and it's colder now. Instead of getting dark at 2:00 am it’s getting dark about midnight. Winter is coming! ~ And besides that, since I lost my wallet on the bus, we have been rationing food and been living off of super cheap top roman and eggs. I love it when we get member meals!
This is Sweden |
Cool experience this week was one of our investigators was having problems with his mom about having missionary lessons and being religious in general. He had to meet with us in secret or else he would get in trouble for meeting with us. So, we were thinking a lot about what to teach him and how to help him. This was our first time meeting him, but he’s met with missionaries before. It was one of the most spiritual lessons that we have taught. It seemed like we were saying everything he needed to hear and the spirit was so strong. We really felt like he had been comforted after this. We gave him another Book of Mormon because his mom hid the first one. We will just keep being there for him and meeting with him just as friends and sharing our spirit until he is ready.
It is sad here in Sweden because some parents are so against religion and yet they will let their kids do who knows what, but want them to have nothing with religion. I have found that youth are much more open to hearing what we have to say than the adults are here. The work is progressing and we are having a good time while doing it.
Sister Lund is an unreal tennis player and I got destroyed. |
One of our investigators took us to go play tennis and that was a great time. Syster Lund and I played against each other and she destroyed me. She is really good.
Great time! |
It was really fun to play again! Also, I went on splits for the first time and went to Jönköping with Elder Farnworth and we taught this man who is in a band here. He found out that I play bass and so I played his bass and then he gave me one of his CDs and said "Come back after your mission and you can be in our band. You can move into my apartment next door and we can jam on balconies across from each other.” Haha. We also went caving and hiking on P Day and that was awesome!
We have an amazing Pianist\organist in our district, Äldste Harrison. Syster Giles, who is serving in my area is an amazing singer and she will be famous someday. That same day in Jönköping we went into a Swedish church in town and Syster Giles and I sang "Nearer My God to Thee" together in this massive cathedral with Äldste Harrison on the organ. It was really fun and spiritual. By far one of the biggest churches I have sung in. The acoustics were amazing. Tomorrow we have zone training in Göteborg and Syster Giles, Äldste Farnworth, and I are singing "I Need Thee Every Hour”, accompanied by Äldste Harrison. Sounds beautiful. On another musical note, (no pun intended) my companion and I are making some sweet hymn covers (new arrangements) of hymns on guitar and bass. “Come Thou Fount”, "If You Could High to Kolab”, and “God Bless America”. Fun stuff!
If only I could just jump in and swim to our appointment |
We have some really good progressing investigators and we are really kicking it in gear here and working with less actives (there are a lot of those here) as well as doing a bunch of street contacting. I love Borås and can’t wait to continue getting trained here!
The group! |
This cave wall tasted really good |
More caving with min komrat |
More cave selfies |
Beautiful hike on top of the cave |
Sweet Graffiti we found |
More hiking |
Eating lunch on top of a thooper (awesome mountain) |
On our way to play some tennis with an investigator |
The 5 Californians in the Göteborg zone on top of the mountain! |
Waiting for our bus to go to Jönköping for the cave spelunking |
More waiting for our bus |
So much love |
The view was amazing |
On splits with Elder Farnworth and with our member friend |
Look at this cute little guy! he loves to play with us |
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