This last week was another one of those jam packed weeks for Elder Baquedano and me. Between having a Specialized Zone Training here in Umeå, to going on splits with the Assistents, to preparing two of our investigators for baptism this last Saturday, and just going straight up hard teaching our investigators and tearing it up on the streets.
The training went well. President and Sister Beckstrand and the Assistents taught a good training and my companion and I were able to present the new “Standards of Excellency” (number goals for 2017). After the training was over I was able to go on splits with Elder Jensen! (My old companion up here in Umeå) So that was fun to teach with him again.

The day wasn’t over though because we had some cool people to teach through the day. We even had time to go out and talk to some people on the street. We stopped this guy on our way back to the car whose name is Oskar. He is a Swede and had talked to missionaries two times before on the street and wasn’t really interested either time. But we started to talk with him a little bit and it turned into a cool lesson. He said he would come to church the next day (Sunday) and meet us before church at 10:00am. He didn’t give us any info about him, like a phone number or a way to contact him.. but we had faith!
Next morning.. He came at 10:00 and we showed him around the church and taught him with a young adult member. He is one of the most prepared people. He then chose to stay for the rest of church. That’s 4 hours at church! He loved it tho and really felt something special. The questions he had were directly in line with the doctrine we believe in. We asked him what it would mean to him if he got an answer from God that this is true, and he said it would mean he would have to continue with this and get involved more. Something special that he has as well as everyone else who accepts the gospel is that they are willing. Willing to act, to read, to pray, and to get an answer. He is going to get an answer from God if he chooses to continue on this path. He already felt something special and that’s why we are meeting him tomorrow. 

This next week my companion and I will be traveling down to Sundsvall to work with the missionaries there for a few days. Should be fun! Got a big last week of this transfer coming up.
Love you all and have a killer week! :)
Äldste Blackburn
Äldste Blackburn
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