Buzzed hair and saying bye to the
two biggest hipsters I have met.
These kids are going far. |
There have been many big things that have happened this week including transfers, work-overs in Sundsvall, buzzing my hair, and of course.. teaching repentance! It was honestly a wonderful week full of adventures and being spiritually pumped.
Our districts last district
meeting together. |
SO... Transfers... I am going to the one and only Västerås! Västerås is a city more inland but is in the greater area of Stockholm. The new zone I will be in is called "Södertälje" and I will not be a zone leader there, but I will have the chance to finish my mission hard as a normal missionary with Elder Barns. Elder Barns is a musical genius and he has been one that I have sung with quite a bit at different events here. So we should have some musical fun as well and going as hard as we can for these last two transfers of my mission. I’m pretty excited.
This picture is full of such studs that the light
is emitting from the picture. These young men are
the coolest guys. All preparing for missions. |
I had my last Sunday up here in Umeå and it was sad to say goodbye to everyone but it’s chill because I will be back in 3 months with my family.
The professional opera singer, Nils Kohlström
(invited us to his concert). Such an awesome guy! |
Earlier this week was killer tho. We ended up working here in Umeå on Monday and Tuesday and then traveled down to Sundsvall on Wednesday morning to work with two companionships. We came back Friday morning and we worked the rest of the day. That evening we were given permission to go to a classical concert here in Umeå that we were invited to by a member in the branch who is in the choir. He even paid for our tickets! It was so nice to hear a professional symphony and a opera choir! It was a cool experience. We just have to take some time from P day to make up for the lost work hours.
The Sundsvall missionaries at their
District meeting. I was able to work with
Elder Rowley and Elder Benson.
They are just so good! |
We then had transfer calls on Friday night and on Saturday morning had group call with our zone. It was a good week and despite the chunk of the week we were gone.. We taught a lot of good lessons and are helping our investigators progress. Even taught a Swedish man and he wanted to commit to being baptized in two months. I also took the opportunity to buzz my head because I was just getting tired of hair and it was turning into an afro. Don’t want an afro. haha
Birthday cake from the Delang family! |
Birthday cake from the Iguaran family.
Some of the coolest and nicest
Colombians I have met! |
Other than that, I just want to shoot a big thank you to everyone who wished me a happy birthday! AND to my companion, Elder Baquedano who secretly told all the people we taught which resulted them in baking me cakes and such! It was a good 22nd birthday! One to remember for sure :)
I will be transferring this Wednesday morning will fly down to Stockholm where I will then take a train to my new area.
Love you all and especially all the members here in Umeå that have made my time here something awesome. These past 5 months have led to so many miracles and personal growth for me and my two companions.
Saying goodbye to Elder Hainsworth who is flying
back home soon. Soon we will joining each other in
the mountains of Utah shredding some fresh powder. |
Next time you hear from me, I will be in the nice warmth and snowless Stockholm.
Hejdå Norrland! <3 Tills vi möts igen.
Äldste Blackburn
The Norin family! I will miss this family
for sure. They are awesome! |
Our branch president,
President Ottosson. |
Celebrating Sister Wagner's birthday as well! |
Happy birthday cake from the Delang family! |
The symphonic/opera concert. |