There was also one thing that happend earlier this week as well. It all started out later in the afternoon when we were spending some time talking with people on the streets. We talked with this one guy, and he said he didn’t know that much about mormons but he really likes and respects them (something we are not used to hearing). haha So we were talking with him and having a good time and keeping the conversation light and friendly.
The most people usually know about the Book of Mormon is from watching the musical, "The Book of Mormon" haha and that was true was with this guy as well. We showed him the book of mormon we were holding and started to teach him about it when a Swedish family walked by and interrupted us and started talking about how much they love mormons!! We were feeling the love!! They began telling us how their son, (who was with them) just came back from America from an exchange program for school. He actually stayed with a Mormon family in Oregon and said how much they like Mormons because of that. Also, how much respect they have for missionaries for coming to different lands and leaving everything behind for two years. The son got a picture with us AND this whole time this was happening while the guy we contacted was still standing there. He ended up wanting a picture with us too! haha Now we were really feeling the love. We talked with the family for a while and they left and then switched numbers with the guy we contacted and are going to try to set up a meeting this week. So that was fun. We then worked for a few more days until Friday, which was Midsommar (holiday). 

In short, Midsummer is when the whole city meets together for a big party in a massive field and they have this massive pole that the people put leaves and flowers on and then lift it up into the air. There is a Swedish folk band and Swedish folk dancers that put on little
performances through the program. Also everyone gets in big circle around the pole if they want to, and you do traditional Swedish Midsommar dances and sing the songs that go with them. We had fun doing that. There were some people wearing traditional Swedish clothes and most girls had the crown of flowers which is also a tradition. The rest of the day until 9:30pm was completely open do do what we want as well as that Saturday too.

So the rest of the day went like this. We had steaks at President and Sister Maddens house. They completed their mission and are actually went home that day! So we had dinner.. and then Elder Scott and I went fishing and that’s when the fun started. President Madden bought us a huge case of Australian imported rootbeer but they open kind of weird. If you do it wrong.. one of them can actually explode in your face! haha No .. They are quite easy to open actually. Elder Scott broke this little piece off on his bottle by accident which you need to open it. The bottle tops are rounded so its not like you can use a bottle opener either... So at this point we are at the ocean about to fish and I see him trying to open it. I was going to try and open it the redneck way by finding a lip on the cap (even tho its rounded) and putting it on the sharp corner of the dock we were on, then hit the top of the bottle with my palm in a downward motion to hit the cap off. When I did that.. It actually broke the pressurized glass and then it exploded and glass shot out and one piece hit my upper lip. (lucky didn't hit my eye) It wasnt super bad. Just a little deep and might have needed stitches, so our mission presidents wife suggested I go to the hospistal to get checked out. 

We went to the emergency clinic (the only thing open) and there were problems of ALL kinds there haha. Lets just say that there is a reason why we don’t have to work the next day... because everyone has hangovers. AND some of those people do dumb things and go to the hospital. SO there was a two our wait until my appointment so we went home and by this time it was 9:00pm. We went back and got it looked at. No need for stitches. Just some annoying white tape under my lip for a few days. That was fun! 

The next day we went on a hike and found a sweet cliff that is hundreds of feet in the air. We did some fun exploring that day. 
Sunday was good too, had the girl we are preparing for baptism at church and then today is P day again! We actually have the zone leaders coming out here on splits today. They do it once a transfer and they will be here for a few days. So we are about to leave to pick them up.. But love you guys! Next time I write we will have gotten transfer calls!

Hej så länge