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The things we do on trains. |
So this last week was super dang cool! Kind of started off with dropping the other two Elders and Syster Irene off at the train station very early on Tuesday morning. (Syster = Swedish for "Sister") The next day we had a world wide broadcast for all the missionaries in the world coming from Utah. Was super cool to watch! We have a new Syster here in Uppsala. She is Syster Johanson and she is from Utah but her dad is from Sweden. She’s super cool and will be going home in about 5 weeks! Crazzzzzy.
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Saying goodbye to the other Elders as they left Äldste Bentson and I earlier this week! |
ÄLdste Bentson and I have been loving the massive apartment to ourselves and eating all the food the other Elders left behind. :) We have been needing a couch… So we got creative and turned both of their beds into one big couch! We also moved some stuff around to our liking. It’s also nice with showers and stuff. Now, with two bathrooms we both can use, we can shower and study and save time! ~ I will admit, it was fun living with three other Elders! Other than that, we have just been going hard and trying to schedule lessons with people. We have been out a lot this week talking to lots of people.
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Early morning runs to the church with the Sistahs! |
Äldste Bentson is getting really good at teaching. He starts talking to everyone in Swedish to practice, and then he will teach the person about some principle and ties it into the Book of Mormon. He then will teach about what it is, etc ALL in Swedish. ~ So he’s doing SUPER well and is now feeling a lot more comfortable with everything. The language is always tough and it’s easy to get down about it but then you just have to realize that pouting about it won't help you get better. You have got to do something about it! "He who says he can, and he who says he can’t, are both usually right."
We also have worked with Caroline this week. We actually hung out with her for a little bit of our Preparation day last Monday and she bought us hot chocolate. It was "Mumsfilibaba" (scrumdidillyumtious). :) She has been very excited for her confirmation and receiving the Gift of the Holy Ghost. We have been excited as well! I had the blessing and privilage to confirm her and give her this gift yesterday. It was so special!
I just want to say that her husband Stefan came again which was super cool. It’s good to know that he is supportive. It seemed like maybe he enjoyed it more this Sunday and looked more comfortable and relaxed. That’s always a good thing! I will say that I was kind of nervous, because the whole ward was listening to my imperfect Swedish haha, but it went very well and Caroline was saying how good she felt during and after the confirmation/blessing! :) I feel so blessed to have worked with her and become good friends at the same time! I summed up how awesome it has been last week, but I’m super pumped to help prepare her for the temple coming up soon! :)
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Caroline is now an official member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints! #mormon |
It was my birthday yesterday and Caroline gave me two awesome pictures from her baptsim and we are going to have a party/get together later this week or something. :) Today we are going to Gävle to have some fun with the other missionaries there! Maybe do some sledding or something. But ya! Until next week <3
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Opening my birthday present from Caroline! |